On the development of Billebogen 

A municipal development agency 

Billebogen Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (BBEG) is a 100 percent subsidiary of the municipal firm HafenCity Hamburg GmbH (HCH)It promotes the development of Billebogen in close cooperation with the borough of Hamburg-Mitte as well as the city’sUrban DevelopmentBusinessTransport & Innovation Authority and Environment & Energy Authority. BBEG does not employ any staff of its own (all are employees of HCH). 


„Billebogen-Atlas – Ermittlungen zu einem urbanen Transformationsraum“ / 112 S., 200 Abb., geb. / ISBN. 978-3-00-056430-7 / 19,60 €. Erhältlich im HafenCity Informationszentrum Kesselhaus (Am Sandtorkai 30, 20457 Hamburg). Bestellung: | ©️ BBEG


Documentation of the status quo 

Using a professional study of project fundamentals and dialogue with the Billebogen Participation Group as its basis, BBEG began its work by fully documenting the status quo within the development zone. The results were published in May 2017 in the form of the 112-page “Billebogen Atlas”. Tracing the history of the area from the early 19th century to the present day, the atlas provides insights into a range of aspects including topography, planning law, nature and scenery, flood protection and social structure. 

Public participation in the development process 

From an early stageBBEG has sought dialogue with residential, political, institutional, industrial and commercial stakeholders in the district of Rothenburgsort, the borough of Hamburg-Mitte and throughout Hamburg. New prospects for specific elements of the urban area play just as important a role as overall strategies. The aim is to not only develop Billebogen in a way that creates considerable added value for both existing and future users, but also make that development an integral part of the ongoing transformation of central Hamburg in connection with the HafenCity and Grasbrook projectsThe work carried out by BBEG is by no means restricted to the simple provision of information. 

The Billebogen Participation Group has met on a regular basis since late 2015 and comprises around 25-30 participants. It is open to all interested parties and provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest issues in connection with the Billebogen development as well as other projects with an impact on the area, for example the Elbtower in the neighbouring Elbbrücken quarter (part of HafenCity). 

Meetings of the Billebogen Participation Group offer insights into the many different thought processes behind the development of Billebogen, progress in the various aspects of the project and factors with an impact on that progress. It also represents an opportunity for participants to form their own opinions on the planning and development processes involved. The presentations made at the latest meetings are available to download from the Billebogen website (www.billebogen.de). Older presentations are availablehere. 


Henrike Thomsen
Press spokeswoman
Phone: +49 40 374726 14